How to Give a Vaccine

Here are your vials. One has powder, the other has liquid.

Take the vial with the liquid (orange top) and insert the needle. Pull out the plunger in the syringe to remove liquid.

Once all the liquid is out, use the syringe to put the liquid into the powder vial.

Shake it all up.

This is what it should look like all shaken up.

Use the syringe to suck all of the vaccine.

Make sure there aren't any bubbles in the syringe by flicking the air to the top and lightly pressing on the plunger to release the air.

Pull up on the dog's scruff until you create this helpful little v-shape.

Here you can see it without our drawing.

X marks the spot where the needle goes.

Press the needle into the dog's scruff. They may yip or squirm, but make sure the needle goes in far enough to dispense the vaccine.

Press the plunger until the syringe is empty.

Take a celebratory selfie and give the pup a treat!

Make sure to put the lid back on the syringe so nobody gets hurt on the needle.

Take the labels off the vial and put them on a paper. Date it and write the dog's name. Do this again in 3 weeks if it's a puppy shot.

Staple the vaccine bag, receipt and vial labels together. Take to the vet so they know what you've given her.